Thursday, January 2, 2025

Iphone 18.3 update

 When will apple release iOS 18.3 ? About iOS 18.3 update and features.

on 2 january. Common people are familiar with iOS 18.2, while iOS 18.3 is still in beta version. Which provides a glimpse of upcoming features and improvements

Enhance writing tool with Apple Intelligence

 One of the special features of iOS 18.3 is the tools created by Apple Intelligent. 

This feature often helps utilities to extract and compose text on apps, making it easier to perform specified tasks.

Customise and user interface improvement

iOS 18.3 continues Apple's push for deeper options for the home screen and Control Center. 

Users can now more easily organize app icons and widgets in one place, adjust color gamut, and even adjust icon sizes to suit your look. 

Control Center has also been redesigned to provide more flexibility, allowing users to quickly access and organize controls.

Photos app redesign

In iPhone iOS update 18.3, a different change will be seen in the Photos app.

 With the help of which the user can find anything easily.

 This new layout introduces collections like logos and pets. It fixes the library properly with the help of on-device intelligence.

 This update reduces the time taken to search photos in the library, i.e. you can search easily.

Safari and privacy 

Web browser Safari, Apple's search browser, offers Highlights feature that enhances the browsing experience by highlighting key information from web pages.

 Allows you to manage contacts and user connections.

Massage and mail

In messages, users can choose from new formatting options like bold, italic, underline to make their messages look better.

 Mail app introduces intelligent classification.

 Email can be used for basic transactions like sending PDF images, faxing, etc. 

This helps users to use their inbox in different ways.


The iPhone iOS 18.3 update is currently in beta and is expected to be rolled out to the public in the coming months.

 Users who are looking for new features can use Apple's beta software.

 But keep in mind that the beta version may contain bugs which may not be good for the current situation.

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